Wednesday 29 September 2010

Analysing Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer

This Teaser Trailer is a very useful first example as it gives an obvious idea of the genre of the film and small parts of the story without giving anything major away. Throughout the whole of the trailer they use snappy short cuts to give suspense to the trailer and also to give a Sci-Fi futuristic kind of feel to the film. Here you can see one of the first little cut scenes from the teaser trailer, a desert and a large pyramid, this is useful as the viewer will wonder how much/what part of the film is set in this desert. They have also shown a person at the foot of the pyramid to show what a monumental structure it is.

The Teaser Trailer often fades out to a pure black screen again giving the trailer a strange suspense and also giving a technology theme to it. Cutting in and out like in the trailer is a modern technique thus why it's evoking technology. I won't show a screen shot of the black screen as I would hope it isn't too hard to imagine.

As you can see there is a sudden change of place in the trailer (in fact there are shots in this trailer from all over the world) once again showing how the film is modern and may be based upon something technologically advanced. Meteors are associated with outer space thus giving another idea on what the film will be about/what to expect. This specific snap also gives the viewer a good idea of good and evil in the film, as the ships are reasonably brightly coloured and the meteors are leaving a trail of black smoke associated usually with something of bad intention. This shot is also taken from a sort of plan view minimalising the ships. The aircraft carrier is the largest ship in the US navy and with it appearing so far away with the meteors looking so big it already seems that there is no hope. Just like the last however this shot cuts out quickly onto a black screen and the music fits in perfectly with the time of the cut. The audio in this Teaser Trailer is stuttering and jumps quickly from loud to quiet again following the technology theme.

My third screen shot of the Transformers 2 Teaser Trailer shows nothing but actions and explosions. The picture (as its fairly difficult to tell) is showing a giant alien robot rolling out the side of a building being pursued by three smaller robots. Once again this part of the trailer being in a completely different part of the world (Japan), I believe this is a selling point as the more places in the world they include in the trailer the larger the target audience. One may be able to tell this is in Japan by the shot just before this and the writing on the wall to the left. The reason so much action is shown in the trailer is because that's what Transformers is all about and that's what will suit the target audience.

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